Schedule of Fees and Charges

Checking and Savings Accounts

Bill Payment
Two (2) Day Delivery (paper check)
Stop Payment Order – each item
Courtesy Pay Service – Check, ACH, Debit (each item paid)
ATM & Debit Card
Foreign Machine Use
Debit Card Replacement
Stop Payment Order – each item
Cashing member check for non-member
Orders - check printing fee
Price varies on style ordered
Essential Checking Account
Monthly maintenance fee
Monthly maintenance fee rebate (requires monthly use of debit card or online banking)
Foreign Check Processing
Inactive Member Fee (Incurred by members who have no account activity for a period of more than 24 months. Members under 18 are exempt.)
$5.00 per month
IRA External Transfer
Non-Sufficient Funds
Check, ACH (per presentment for each item returned) & ATM
Overdraft Transfer from Savings to Checking
$5.00 / transfer
Platinum Money Market Withdrawal Fee (second and subsequent withdrawals in a calendar month)
Returned Deposited Check
$15.00 / item
Stop Payment Order - Check, ACH
$30.00 / item


Coin Machine Processing
5% of total processed
Credit Card (lost or stolen)
Replacement (1st occurrence within 12 mos.)
Returned payment fee
$25.00 or the lesser of the minimum payment due
Garnishment, Tax Lien or Similar Order
HELOC Appraisal Fee
Loan Document Modification Fee
Loan Payment
Staff Assisted by phone using ACH, Debit
Online by Debit Card (excludes credit card payments)
Online ACH
No Charge
Payment Reversal
Mortgage Loan Origination
$0.50 of purchase price
not to exceed $3,000
VA Loan
Official Check with checking account
Account Reconciliation (min. 1 hour charge)
ATM Photo Request
Per item copy cost
Safe Deposit Box
3 x 5
3 x 10
5 x 5
5 x 10
10 x 10
Verification of Assets/Deposits
Wires - Outgoing